HighTech Startbahn
growth as a service for european high-tech companies
Contact Us:
HighTech Startbahn GmbH
Connect with us!
Your Contact:
Jörg Schüler
hello (at) htsb.eu
+49 (0)351 418 82 4810
- BizDev & Sales
- Mentoring & Coaching
- Company Building
- Founders Class
- Startup Finance & Funraising
- HTSB Co-Working
- Startup Pitchdeck Review
- etc…
HighTech Startbahn Netzwerk e.V.
Connect with us!
Your Contact:
Thomas Schulz
netzwerk (at) htsb.eu
+49 351-418824811
- Europewide Contact brokerage
- Intervining and fine-tuning start-up ideas
- Sparring partner for ideas and concepts
- Project/research partnerships
- Event planning/cooperations